NOW is the time for our Customer CARE Revolution!

Corporate executives and CX influencers have traditionally advocated their business jargon, and their employees and customers have subserviently understood and followed them. For example, business leaders have defined contact centers when customers “contact” them to ask a question or have a problem with a product or service. The leaders then analyze their agents’ FCR metrics for First Contact Resolution.

Concurrently, business leaders and CX influencers dub customer service representatives as the frontline. But frontline? Really? They may logically say that customer service is the frontline because they are front and center with customers. However, as customers, we emotionally feel we are doing battle with the customer service frontline.

Well, no more. As customers, NOW is the time for our customer CARE Revolution!

We pay for our experience, not your product or service. And we pay for our entire experience, not yours. It’s ALL about us, NEVER about you. We seek the best emotional value in our entire experience, not the minutiae of your logically reasonable best prices, products, or services of yours. For instance, when we have a problem or complaint, the best emotional value for us is not a first-contact response with contact center agents. The best value in our experience is in the agents’ personalized interactions, not their business transactions.

While business leaders are happy because their customers are satisfied with the purchase of their product or service, that’s not good enough for us. Satisfied customers feel that their experience is good, not better, just average. Nobody raves about average. And satisfied customers will not return as soon as they find a better experience or a less expensive price. 

Accordingly, contact centers and businesses must do better.

Doctors and nurses don’t serve their ailing patients. They care. So shouldn’t customer service be customer care? Even better, as customers, we deem contact center and customer service representatives to be the customer CARE team. Their service mantra should be: 

“We CARE for each customer:

  • COMMUNICATE with polite interaction. We inform each customer with transparency of the product’s or service’s function, liabilities, and advantages. Listen to understand the customer’s questions.
  • ACKNOWLEDGE each customer’s presence and value.
  • RESPOND empathetically to each customer’s concerns, and complaints.
  • ENRICH the experiences and lives of every customer.

When we CARE, each customer has an emotional connection. The more emotional the connections, the more memorable the moments, and the more loyal our customers are. Our loyal customers are WOWED and happy, intent on returning, and raving to others on social media.”

So, as customers, let’s be revolutionary in improving our customer experience with Customer CARE. NOW is our time! Let’s be loud and proud! Let’s be revolutionary! And let’s have our experience be GREAT out there!  

#customerservice #customerexperience #custserv #custexp #cx

1 Comment

Filed under Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service

One response to “NOW is the time for our Customer CARE Revolution!

  1. Sarah F

    I wholeheartedly agree with this call for a Customer CARE revolution. As consumers, we deserve to be more than just “satisfied.” We want experiences that are memorable, meaningful, and genuinely care about our needs.

    The CARE approach, as outlined in the blog post, is a refreshing and customer-centric framework for businesses to adopt. It emphasizes the importance of communication, acknowledgment, empathy, and enrichment in every customer interaction. This shift from transactional service to a more holistic and compassionate approach can make a world of difference in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

    I’ve seen firsthand how technology like SogoCX can help businesses implement the CARE approach effectively. By providing tools for collecting and analyzing customer feedback, automating personalized communications, and empowering agents to deliver exceptional service, SogoCX can help companies create a truly customer-centric culture.

    By embracing the CARE revolution and leveraging innovative solutions like SogoCX, businesses can build stronger relationships with their customers, increase loyalty, and ultimately drive growth and success.

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