QUI TAKEAWAY: When all alternatives don’t work, don’t fire the customer. Simply ask the customer to resign.

The customer is not always right. But the customer is ALWAYS YOUR customer. Listen intently, respond empathetically, apologize, and do whatever it takes to resolve the problem, even if it means having to go with your customer to your competitor.

Contrary to popular customer service mantras, when all alternatives don’t work, DON’T fire the customer. Simply ask him to resign. “I’m sorry but I’m not able to resolve your problems. Could I recommend Company X for your experience? I could contact them if you like.” Both the customer and your competitor are happy. The customer will remember you and might be loyal to you. The competitor is happy because you recommended them. They may refer you later when they cannot resolve another customer’s complaint. A Mutual Admiration Society of sorts.

#customerservice #customerexperience #customerloyalty #custserv #custexp #cx

1 Comment

Filed under Customer Experience, Customer Loyalty, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Service

One response to “QUI TAKEAWAY: When all alternatives don’t work, don’t fire the customer. Simply ask the customer to resign.

  1. Sarah F

    This post presents an interesting and unorthodox approach to difficult customers! While I understand the intent, I think there’s a way to achieve positive results without directly “firing” the customer. Sometimes, reframing the relationship from transactional to consultative can help de-escalate situations with demanding customers. Of course, knowing when to make that shift requires careful analysis of customer data – that’s where a platform like SogoCX comes in. By tracking interactions across channels, identifying patterns, and understanding frustrations, you can empower your team with the insights to adjust their approach and potentially turn a challenging customer into a loyal advocate.

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