QUI Quotes on Customer Service

You are welcome to use these quotes to inspire yourself and encourage others in Delivering the World’s Best Customer Experience.

Please be sure to correctly attribute these quotes to Bill Quiseng.

Nobody raves about average.

To earn new customers don’t try to get inside their heads.
Get inside their hearts. Create an emotional connection.

Work as hard to keep a customer as you do to find a new one.

Each customer is a person.
Not a dollar.
Not a stock price.
Not a satisfaction score.
Not an online review.
Customers are People.

Don’t treat your customers like you would like to be treated.
Instead treat your customers a little better

than you would like to be treated.

Think RELATIONSHIPS or Go Broke.

Customer service is what you do for the customer.
Customer experience is how the customer feels about what you do.

Your value to the customer is in the interaction, not the transaction. 

If your business cannot pledge “Satisfaction Guaranteed
or Your Money Back”, something is broken. Fix it.

No customer walks into your business,
gives you money and then says, “Dissatisfy me, please.”

Aim for 100% customer satisfaction.

Offering personalized customer service is business common sense.
Your job is to make it common practice.

You can’t satisfy customers with disengaged employees.
Start there first.

You cannot even begin to satisfy customers
until you remove all the potential dissatisfiers.

If you want to win the hearts of your customers,

you must first win the hearts of your employees. 

Customer service training must be seen,
not as a one hour seminar event,
but as a process that continues daily.

Advertising is a promise to customers.
Customer loyalty is not built on promises.
It’s built on the consistent delivery of that promise.

It’s no longer good enough to make each customer feel important.
You have to make each one feel special.

Great Service is Great Theater.
Don’t “fake it till you make it.” Act it like you mean it.

People who are not hospitable have no right to work in hospitality.

The more emotional the connection, the more memorable the experience, the more loyal the customer.

Relationship capital is the only currency of value for your business.

Customer service training should be seen as an investment
and not an expense.

To really “wow” your customers, get rid of the fine print.

When a customer complains, DO take it personally.
Because at that moment, to that customer, you don’t represent yourself.
You represent the company.

Be the CEO of that moment.
DO take it personally.
Do take it professionally.
Just DON’T take it home.

Customers don’t care how big you are.
They only care about how big you care about them.

Definition of customer experience:
Whatever the customer FEELS about what you do.

Mission statements don’t win customers. Passion statements do.

It’s not the one big WOW to one customer that wins the day.
It is the one little WOW delivered consistently to every customer.

Rule #1: The customer is always right.
No matter what you say, the customer feels he is right.
Rule #2: Even if the customer is wrong, he is always the customer.
Do whatever it takes to make it right. 

When a customer has a problem,
an explanation on your side is perceived

as an excuse from his side.
Just apologize and fix it FAST.

Customer service training is not just
“Day One and Done”.
It’s a leader’s obligation to continually educate his people.

Thinking about customer service doesn’t make it happen;
doing something does.
Customer service is not an attitude. It’s action.

The first step to exceeding your customers’ expectations
is to know what they expect. Ask them.

Your customer’s negative perception of your service
trumps your advertising every time. 

Marketing is not you advertising to your customers.
It’s your customers raving about you to others.

Your most important assets
are not your customers and your employees.
It’s how your customers and your employees
feel about your company. 

You do not define your brand. Your customers do. 

Taking care of the customer
and caring for the customer are not the same thing.
Know the difference.  

Consistency builds trust. Trust builds loyalty.
Loyalty builds your business. Deliver consistency. 

If the only thing your employees get out of their job is a paycheck,
you, as a leader, have failed.

If you want your employees to make it a habit 
to deliver outstanding customer service
you have to make it a habit to thank them when they do.

Your business success is not dependent
on how many customers you find.
It’s all about how many customers you keep

The ultimate customer service mantra: Be GREAT out there!